The Sexual Exploitation of Women and Girls Seeking Aid in Syria

A recent article shared on the BBC website last night outlines a startling event that has been occurring in for women in Syria. According to the article, these women have been exploited sexually by “men delivering aid on behalf of the UN and international charities.”

There is evidence that suggests that this exploitation happened three years ago and has continued throughout the country. However, the UN and the other agencies involved in sending aid to Syria have “zero tolerance” and “were not aware” of this problem.

The severity of this can be summed up by the following line: “the exploitation is so widespread that some Syrian women are refusing to go to distribution [centers] because people would assume they had offered their bodies for the aid they brought home.” This abuse is not only dangerous and traumatic for the victims, but seeking aid has caused a development of social stigmas within these communities. Syria is in desperate need for help during this crisis, yet this form of violence has been used to hurt an already suffering population.

Further, these allegations were brought up three years ago. A humanitarian adviser had been told about this in 2015. Out of 190 women and girls in Dara’a and Quneitra, 40% reported experiencing sexual abuse when attempting to seek and access the humanitarian aid that was offered to them.

The article states that some argue that the agencies responsible for aid knew about the abuse occurring, but “turned a blind eye” to make sure the people in Syria would still receive aid.

Why does exploitation like this continue to occur? Are institutions such as the UN and other agencies doing enough to prevent this? Why was this abuse ignored for so long? What do events like this say about how sexual abuse of women and girls by people who are supposed to be helping them? At what point will these institutions be more proactive about putting an end to such exploitation of women who are already suffering?