Should Teachers Be Armed?

“You Realize Arming Teachers Is Going To Lead To Black Students Getting Murdered By Their Teacher, Right?” The heading to this article catches your eye doesn’t it?

There has been a large debate on whether teachers should carry firearms. This article was written from a very interesting perspective and i’m eager to see your opinions. I never stopped to think that this could also be a rising issue if teachers were to be armed. What are your thoughts?

“Giving a teacher a gun is ASKING them to be afraid. It makes poor judgment a homicidal offense. And that danger will be born by black and brown students. The students who make teachers “afraid” just by their very existence.

We’ll be telling teachers to shoot armed terrorists breaching the school. What’s really going to happen is an unarmed black truant loitering in a hallway he’s not supposed to be in who gets shot eight times by the jumpy choir director.

 Oh, she’ll feel just awful about her mistake. But a jury of her peers will never convict her of a crime.”
-K. Flowers