Death Penalty for Drug Dealers?

Recently Donald Trump has come out with his new idea to give opioid drug dealers the death penalty or prison for life in order to try to tackle the opioid epidemic in the United States.

This seems strange considering he is a member of the Republican party which favors a smaller government, not a larger one.

We currently have the highest number of citizens in prison in the world. Obviously there is something that we are not doing right.

Personally I think it is the privatization of prisons that are the problems. These prisons get more money for the more prisoners they have, why would they even try to rehabilitate prisoners if they are not benefited by it? We still have not learned from our European neighbors that rehabilitation is a good practice in prisons? That most people who go to prison once will return?

This is another example of how corrupt our government is, and how it is not the people who matter to the politicians, but the paycheck.

-Chelsea Cullen