Another Black Man Gunned Down #BlackLivesMatter

Once again, another black man has died in the hands of the police.  22 year-old Stephon Clark was shot over 20 times by Sacramento police because they believed he had several different “weapons”. At first they said he had a gun, then a crowbar. It turned out he had a cell phone. This man has been reduced to a hashtag like those before him all because his cell phone was mistaken as a weapon. Something that I cannot wrap my head around is that the police felt like they needed to shoot him over 20 times. This is something that we have seen that is very common in these types of situations. I am tired of it. I feel like I and others have become immune to it. Its happens so often that I don’t have reactions anymore. I feel numb every time this happens. It makes me scared for my brothers and father every time they step out of the house because at any moment it could happen to them.