“It’s not me, it’s you”

Anne Hathaway has always been one of my favorite actresses, so when I saw this I felt I should share. I follow her on social media and ran across her post a couple of days ago, where she showed videos of herself and her trainers working out. Her post stated:

“I am gaining weight for a movie role and it is going well. To all the people who are going to fat shame me in the upcoming months, it’s not me, it’s you. Peace xx – PS – I wanted to set this to Queen’s “Fat Bottomed Girls” but copyright said no. Continued peace xx”

She has been known for being vocal about harsh critics, including when she won Best Supporting Actress for Les Miserables and had to perform while sick. She received some pretty harsh comments about her performance.

Although I think this issue goes beyond just women, because men in the limelight are also subjected to harsh criticism- I think it is so important when celebrities remind the public that yes, they too are human. And guess what? Humans aren’t perfect. The media definitely has the ability to shape what the public thinks about people, especially celebrities. Fat shaming someone is wrong regardless of the circumstances, but if people have an issue with someone- it should be based on their character, morals, or values, not because of how they look. I think the media has a way of manipulating people into forgetting that, leading to many issues we see today dealing with generalizing, stereotyping, and subjecting people to unnecessary negativity.

Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/anne-hathaway-shuts-down-potential-body-shamers-its-not-me-its-you_us_5ac7762de4b07a3485e3c91a