Substantive Post #5


In this article by US news, Robert Parkinson explores more reasons why females fall victim to drug abuse versus males.  He cites research conducted at Columbia and Yale that indicate even though men make up the majority of substance abusers, there are several biological and cultural factors make women more susceptible to drugs.  These include both legal and illicit substances. Another report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that men are also more apt to experiment with all types of illicit drugs, but women are just as likely as men to become addicted and are more likely to experience craving and relapse.

The article then discusses five major risk factors for females.  First, higher rates of mental illness in women makes substance abuse more likely for them and also harder to get rid of.  tend to experience substance abuse at higher rates than men. Parkinson notes 1 in 3 Americans suffer from a mental disorder, but depression and anxiety are more prevalent in women.  Also, women who experience incidents of trauma, discrimination, and stressful life experiences tend to have a more difficult time coping, often turning to drugs. Women report higher levels of pain than men; the opioid epidemic affecting the nation is correlated with the high number of prescription drugs. Women are more likely to become addicted due to these substances due to generally lower tolerances and smaller body weights, the same dose a man would take would likely have a greater affect on a woman. Other risk factors include greater susceptibility to gateway drugs like marijuana and lower economic opportunity compared to men.  Poverty and drug abuse and heavily correlated in both genders.