Plateau in Growth of Women’s Participation in the Workforce

Since 1985, there has been a considerable stagnation in growth of women’s participation in the workforce in the US. Once a world leader in women working, the US is now one of the lowest ranking industrialized countries for the rate of women participation in labor. In 1985, 70% of women age 25-54 were working or looking for work in the US. Today, only 74% of women meet this criteria. Many other nations are doing considerably better than us, especially if you consider the amount of growth they have had. For instance, Australia went from 57% of women in 1985 to 76% of women now; Germany went from 59% in 1985 to 83% now; and France went from 68% in 1985 to 83% now. The author notes that some of the reasons the US is lagging behind is because of the lack of childcare, maternity leave, and elderly care. This lack of social support makes it difficult for many women  to enter the workforce. The author notes that the lack of women participation in the workforce can have detrimental effects on the economy, especially with the decline in men’s participation in the workforce. What are your thoughts?

