A Workplace Made for Women


This Article written by the Atlantic discusses a lack of female architects in a world that has an increasingly larger amount of women in the workplace. The article tells us that “as women—likelier than those of previous generations to have attended college, and to take on white-collar jobs—are filling a rising share of seats in new kinds of work spaces….only a quarter of all architects in the United States are female.” and out of the world’s 100 top firms in the field only 3 are being run by women.

In creating workplaces for women, Alda Ly, the founder of a new architectural firm focused on women and workplaces that focus on the needs of women says that “It’s having areas for women to have privacy, or to work in big groups,” that is the key for designing with women in mind. In doing so Ly has created a women’s social club called the wing that is marketed as a place for women in between work and werk.