“I don’t know how women can vote for Trump” – Barbara Bush

With the recent death of Barbara Bush, I am reminded of her interview with CBS regarding her feelings on Donald Trump.

When she was asked what she thought about Donald Trump being the Republican candidate while calling Mexican’s Rapists, she responded, “yes and what about what he is doing to women?” She continues to remark on how horrible he is and uses Megan Kelly as an example of his bad treatment of women.

In another interview with CNN she discusses how “he has said terrible things about women”. She says as a woman she is not crazy about what he says about women. She even says that she is sick of him.

What is interesting about this is the fact that normally during elections, many people will get behind the candidate of their party. This is one of the first times where I have witnessed what seems like the majority of the Republican party to be against Donald Trump.

I love how Barbara Bush brings up his treatment of women on multiple occasions and I think that we often overlook this important aspect. How could any woman vote for Donald Trump when he is so against equality, his payoff of porn stars, and his crass language about them?

My question is, were all of these social movements already in the making or did Donald Trumps presidency raise women to action?

Personally I think it was a combination of both, women were already tired of being treated as second-class citizens, and Donald simply sparked the match that ignited the flame.

Even though I disagree with Barbara Bush’s beliefs on many issues, this is one where I think all women, regardless of political party, social background, etc., should stand united.





-Chelsea Cullen