Commencement Speaker at All-Women’s College Blasted for Criticizing #MeToo Movement

According to a Fox News report on May 17, 2018, the commencement speaker’s address and more specifically her criticism of the #MeToo Movement at Virginia’s all-women’s college has come under fire. It is reported that female commencement speakers have risen since the #MeToo Movement and individuals attending this commencement program was shocked when the speaker, Nelllie Gray, stated during the course of her speech that she had “partial sympathy” for those who have been sexually harassed as well as feminism. Her comments were scathing towards potential victims as if the victims somehow are to for unwanted sexual advances or harassment. Nella Barkley, the commencement speaker, stated “I have little patience with the woman who arrives breathlessly at her boss’s hotel room for a so called conference,” what does she think was going to happen?” The comments directed at women are especially harsh and it is comments like these that make it very difficult for women to report because of comments such as these. The article can be found on Interestingly, students and alumni immediately complained about the speech but the university upheld Barkley, touting her credentials as a “trailblazer, distinguished alumna.” Students and alumni alike found the speech to be “shameful and disgusting.” The college president viewed this as an opportunity for conversation on campus. I feel that her comments were inappropriate and should have not been said once again because of the sacrifice of #MeToo Movement as well as I view as offensive to attendee