What do Avengers, Black Panther and Wonder Woman have in common? The Abuse of Women


I know what you’re thinking, how can superheroes be show abuse of women when they embody what it means to be good? The answer is: female characters are the subjects of partner and family violence in comics. In this article by Dabney Evans, she breaks apart why these movies and comics portray abuse of women that relate directly to the general population.  As in Wonder Women her nemesis is her brother. In real life “at least 5,000 women die per year” in the hands of family members. Female characters are degraded, objectified and seen as sexual objects. This is the exact same in real life where nearly half of women face this type of abuse. There is a pattern in all of these movies and comics that the women in them face abuse by their family or partners. Young girls looking for role models that are powerful instead are given the message that they should expect violence against them from parents, siblings, and partners. What are we telling our young girls if these are the only narratives we allow them to see? Why must the female characters have a troubling past and face these type of abuses? Do you see the direct relation of how women are treated in these superhero movies to real life?


If you would like to read more here is the link: 

What do Avengers, Black Panther and Wonder Woman have in common?  The Abuse of Women