MIT Shows How to “Make the Great Pump Not Suck” for Women of Color

MIT Shows How to ‘Make the Breast Pump Not Suck’ for Women of Color

This article discusses the need for new breast feeding innovations that will help women from different cultures to be able to feed their babies comfortably.  Specifically, this article focuses on the plight of indigenous women to design regalia that makes breast feeding easier and also to be able to afford better breast pumps.  I had never thought of the fact that breastfeeding might be a different experience for someone of a different culture, especially if the clothing that they wear is difficult to remove.  The summit mentioned in the article is also meant to create a dialogue about the lack of sufficient healthcare for low income mothers and the need for a better paid family leave system.  I noticed there was also mention of intersectionality, as the article briefly discusses the gender wage gap and that indigenous women make even less per dollar earned by a white man than other women.

What other cultural differences do you know of that involve something like breast feeding and do you think there is a need for a greater awareness of such issues?