Texas School Shooting

We are probably all aware of the tragedy that happened this past week, with the school shooting in Sante Fe, Texas. The high school mourned 8 students and 2 teachers, while wounding 13 others. Innocent lives that were taken for a reason the whole world may be unclear about. But about a day ago a mother spoke out about her daughter that was murdered. She said that her daughter was being harassed by the shooter. Shana, the victim told her mom the Pagourtzis (the shooter) had been asking her to date him for 4 months. Shana had enough and about a week ago told Pagourtzis that she wouldn’t go out with him. The police are unclear with the motive, and this is still an ongoing investigation but this raise a huge issue. I have read and seen many stories about women who have ignored and turned down men and end up beat up or dead. Many women are already seen as an object to some men, but knowing we aren’t allowed to decline politely without fearing for our lives. Shana was only 16 years old, and had her whole life to live and if this was the motive, then a pure life was taken because a boy couldn’t handle rejection. http://https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/19/us/texas-school-shooting/index.html