Two Girls in Uganda Speak Out on Women’s Rights

Two Girls in Uganda: Stepping Up by Speaking Out

Namulinda Shamim Fatuma and Nankinga Joanitah are two of many teenage girls living in Uganda. Through out the article both girls speak out on how women are view in Uganda. “Girls are denied studies and access to education, since many parents believe that girls were created for house work like cooking, washing clothes, and fetching water.” This is the case in other places around the world not only Uganda. Fatuma makes a big emphasis on self respect, she says “if you don’t respect yourself, then nobody will respect you.” By seeing these two girls speak out on the importance of equality in Uganda then maybe other girls will join their efforts and the more supporting the cause the bigger difference they will be able to make. Nankinga Joantiah makes the statement, “But today, women and girls are mostly treated well, and are not denied their rights”, do you agree with her statement? Are women finally being treated with the same respect that men are being treated with today?

After reading their articles I look up to these girls for voicing their opinions and fighting for what they believe in.

-Diana Chavez