Race playing a role in sentencing?


Just reading the title of this news article by itself is a disappointment. I have heard of cases where race and gender can play a role in sentencing. This is wrong because any one who has committed a crime should be punished but it should not take for someone’s differences to determine how much time they should receive. In this article, it states that a “Republican” judge sentences more months to a black offender who has a similar offense as someone who is not black. Same goes to giving time with the person of a different gender. A male offender gets more time than a female offender of a similar offense.

I do believe that race and gender plays a role with sentencing offender but some cases may be dealt on a case-by-case bases. For example, Keith (Black) has a history of breaking-and-entering and is seen in court today and is given the time of 9 months, while Jerry (White) is charged with breaking-and-entering but this is his first offense so he may get to do less time, community service or probation.

Race should never be a part of judgment when dealing with someone’s life. The offenses itself should be considered 95%, if not 100% of the time. The time should match the crime as well as others who have committed the same crime. I believe judges are also lenient when it comes to first-time offenders or the youth that are now considered adults, depending on the jurisdiction, but race and gender should not be the deciding factor for any of the crimes committed.


My question to you guys is how do you feel about this topic? Do you feel as though race and gender plays a role in sentencing? Do you believe it is right or circumstantial?