Former USC Gynecologist Assaults Possibly 52 Women



About 52 women have come forward saying that a former gynecologist for the University of Southern California sexually abused them. The whole investigation now spans for more than three decades from the first recorded assault. To take action, about six of the women have sued the university itself for hiring a man like the doctor. One one suit the school completely ignored the claim that the doctor, Tyndall, made crude remarks and took inappropriate pictures during the appointment.


I honestly cannot believe this lasted this long! Over three decades of this guy mistreating women in a public medical facility. There had to have been women trying to come forward earlier on. However, I believe it is also possible the University has been trying to keep the media out of this to preserve their reputation. I would be devastated going to my doctor for a checkup, trusting in the system and university to ensure my protection, then being sexually assaulted.


Do you believe that doctors should be watched more closely during appointments due to this type of violations? Why do you think these women have not been heard for three decades and are just now coming forward?

-Kendall Nelson