Blog #2- USC ignoring assaults on women by their Gynecologists?

This article was published Karma Allen on the ABC news website. It’s title giving a insight to something that I never thought could happen: “Former USC gynecologist may have assaulted as many as 52 women”. Allen noted that the assaults happened on USC campus and occurred for over three decades before anything happened to stop it. Victims came forward and talked to USC, reporting the gynecologists making inappropriate comments and taking pictures that they shouldn’t be taking. The campus ignored these complaints. It isn’t until now victims are suing USC and the gynecologists for what they have went through. As of now, 52 women were assaulted by this man on their campus that is supposed to be safe. My opinion on this is: It makes me sad that this happened to these women, but it makes me very upset to know that it has been happening for so long and nobody in charge has done anything about it until lawsuits starting happening. So my question is: Why do you think the University ignored the complaint(s) that they had received? Also, Do you think this should be a bigger story in the news to bring more attention to the Gender-based violence issue that we have in our society.