Vulnerabilities That Lead to Sex Trade


Overview: To prevent sex trade from happening we must first know what makes a woman or young girl vulnerable to it. To start off the article begins to talk about how childhood trauma plays a role in all of this, it explains how some children are unaware of how dangerous sex trade is because they’ve grown up not knowing any different. The next topic it covers that makes women and young girls vulnerable to sex trade is foster care and group homes. While being in foster care and group homes children feel like they aren’t cared for, this especially goes for African American children and children who are ethnic minorities, so when a male offers to get them out of this situation they more than likely go with the male because they feel like it’s the only way things will get better. Now, the last point the article addresses that contributes to the vulnerability of these women and young girls is the school system. Even though school can be a considered a safe haven for some children, it can also be the complete opposite for others. African American children and children of ethnic minorities experience more trauma with school because the school system is a lot harder on them, which makes them even more vulnerable to sex trade.

Opinion:  I feel that the school system should teach children about the dangers of sex trade at a young age so they know how to get help when faced with these situations early on.

Questions: Do you agree that children should learn about the dangers of sex trade at school? If so, at what age do you think it’s appropriate to teach children about the dangers of sex trade?