California Voters Remove Judge Aaron Persky, Who Gave a 6-Month Sentence for Sexual Assault

Californians recalled the judge who sentenced Brock Turner for sexual assault which was not a slap on the wrist but a slap in the face to the victim.  In 2015, he was caught sexually assaulting an unconscious female (who had blacked out from drinking) behind a dumpster.  Turner was found guilty on all charges that would carry a maximum sentence of 14 years.  However, Judge Persky sentenced him to 6 months (he was released in 3).  He was put on probation and banned from Stanford University.  Turner’s father wrote a letter on his son’s behalf that was just as traumatizing if not more than the criminal act. Immediately following this trial, four months later, California legislators changed the law, establishing mandatory minimum sentences in sexual assault cases.  Turner, a white male, 20 years of age at the time, my question is how different would this had been if “Turner” was African American?  If that was the case, he would have been imprisoned and long forgotten.  That sounds very dismal, but unfortunately, that is the reality we live in.