Chris Hardwick assaulted his girlfriend for 3 years?

Good evening folks,

This blog is going to be about Chris Hardwick and how his girlfriend accused him of sexual and emotional abuse. In this article, Jacey Fortin from NYtTimes has explained the situation clearly. I am just going to refer to his girlfriend as Chole. Chris and Chole were together for three years. Chris is a comedian and is on a lot of after TV shows and comic cons. Whole is an actress and a model. The relationship ended because Chole kissed another man while they were still together. Whole has made it publicly known that Chris would sexual assault her and make her feel pressured into having intercourse whenever he wanted to. Chole also stated that Chris would not let her drink alcohol or hang out with her friends a lot. When the two broke up, Chole stated that Chris called all of the people that she usually works with and told them that if they did not fire her that he would never do anything with their company. The companies listened and Chole was blacklisted. Chris states that none of this happened and that their relationship was stressful, but he never did anything that she is saying he did. In consequence to what Chole said, Chris’s show on AMC will not aire until there has been a full investigation. Also, Chris has been removed from multiple “Gigs” that he was supposed to have in the upcoming months. In my own personal opinion, I think that the companies have handled the situation very well. They have suspended everything having to do with Chris until it has been settled or for good. This shows that they do not accept any form of assault of harassment. I think that society is becoming more aware of domestic violence and I hope it continues to do so everyday. Do you think that everything was handled the way that it should have been? If not, what would you have done differently?

Signing off,
