Domestic Gag Rule

Trump is at it again. Another “empty promise” from his campaign is being fulfilled, which should terrify all of us. His newest order is essentially stripping healthcare providers of all of their funding that assists in cancer prevention, contraception and STI/STD prevention/treatment. Providers like Planned Parenthood (the most well known) and many others that receive their federal funding under Title X will no longer receive any federal aide if they continue to assist women in any way that are seeking information on abortion. Trump is now truly trying to force an end to abortion as a whole. Even if the provider does not perform the abortion, the simple act of giving a patient any information on the subject at all will repeal the provider’s funding.


My question for the reader is this, at what point will it be enough? Are we as a country honestly going to function under this regime? Does this make you feel as though America is becoming great again?