SOCI 3000 09/11/2021

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For this assignment, I chose the article Violence against women, a major concern during the pandemic. This article talks about the increase of domestic violence at home during the pandemic and Filipino women being concerned with staying home with their abuser. The article breaks down the statistics of women experiencing this nationwide. Overall, the statistics showed that 24-29% of women experience domestic violence in some type of way; whether it was sexual, emotional, and physical. The article also mentioned that cases for violence against women declined because women had a hard time accessing the Philippine National Police.

The article stated that the QC women’s and children’s desk receive at least 12 cases of domestic abuse a week. This article was saddening for me to read, and I felt worried knowing that these women had to live with their abuser during quarantine. It also scares me to know what women have had to put up with during and before the quarantine. Not feeling safe in your own home is a sad thing to think about, especially when also handling the stress of a pandemic.

One more thing that the article mentioned was that cases of domestic violence continued to rise. Vice President Leni Robredo said in her International Women Day speech on March 8, 2021: “Cases of domestic violence continue to rise. Under the shadow of the pandemic, reproductive health services have been hampered, and lockdowns have trapped survivors at home with their abusers, with little in terms of a lifeline to the outside world.” So many women experience this, and it is time to make a change for the protection of women and their rights.