Children at greatest risk of sexual violence in Kenya during the pandemic

In the article titled, “Children at greatest risk of sexual violence in Kenya during the pandemic” I learned that children are more likely to be targeted than adults by someone familiar to them. It also states that it’s more common to happen during the day time in the attacker’s home which is even more scary. Most people especially women and kids have to be paranoid at night in some places, I couldn’t imagine not feeling safe in my own home during broad daylight. I was surprised after reading an interview of 541 survivors of sexual violence had taken places and out of the survivors, 224 were children which is almost half! Sadly, the average of the survivors were age 12 and a majority were female. Which is so sad in today’s society, little girls being more at risk than adults these days.

The scariest part about it is that most of the attackers were neighbors, followed by strangers and family members. Neighbors being the highest shocks me because you’d think you’d be able to turn to a neighbor in case of an emergency. However, based on this it’s extremely dangerous. I feel like this is why I don’t like everyone I know to know where I live because you really never what someone’s intentions are. Overall, I found the article very eye-opening and supportive to those who have experienced or gone through any sexual violence. I liked how the article provided ways to address sexual and gender based violence adequately. Hopefully we can better control sexual violence moving forward.