Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick

In wake of a long over due trial the former US cardinal, who was defrocked by Pope Francis two years ago, has pleaded not guilty to the charges of sex abuse in Massachusetts last week. the allegations stem from interactions involving him and teenage boys as well as adult seminarians that date back nearly 50 years in Massachusetts. damning evidence that supports the allegations were left either overlooked or ignored by the catholic church for many years. even Pope John Paul the man who granted McCarrick the honor of being a cardinal did so while knowing the allegations against him. thankfully Pope Francis decided to take matters into his own hands a defrock McCarrick after finding evidence that showed he’s been abusing for decades.

Although he still isn’t owning up to the allegations he stated “I don’t want to end my life in this way” many people suggest that he said this because he expects the trial not to go in his favor. it is good to see that people that hold such power are now able to be brought down to the level they deserve and shown they aren’t able to hide behind their shield of status.