How Texas Abortion Laws put Women at Risk

Texas has recently put into place abortion laws that will ban abortions for women in most cases. In addition to this, women and anyone else involved will now be able to be reported by others if they are suspected to have performed an abortion. Once again men are making decisions about what women can and cannot do with their own bodies. Though that, in particular, is not new, putting laws into place that put women under surveillance is not only extremely intrusive but dangerous. Women who don’t have access to safe abortions resort to unsafe ways to end their pregnancies.

Pregnancy, in general, puts a lot of strain on women’s bodies and for them to endure that for a wanted pregnancy is inhumane. Women also should not have to be scared that their neighbors or coworkers are monitoring their pregnancies and potentially making decisions that are not theirs to make. This bounty system puts a necessary target on the backs of women.


Feuer, A. (2021, September 12). The Texas abortion law creates a kind of bounty HUNTER. Here’s how it works. The New York Times. Retrieved September 14, 2021, from

2 thoughts on “How Texas Abortion Laws put Women at Risk”

  1. When I heard Texas passing this law I honestly was scared for texans. I believe that women should have a saying in what they do with their bodies. I have heard people that try to do unsafe ways of having an abortion like taking huge amounts of Ibuprofen which can cause a stomach ulcer.

  2. Hi Sara,

    I also agree that the abortion law that Texas passed is very dangerous for women in general. Without having a safe and reliable way to end their pregnancy, this can not only lead to women resorting to unsafe ways to end them, but it can also increase a wave of depression and anxiety in women who do get pregnant but either not being prepared to have the baby or not wanting the baby. I do not think lawmakers realize the domino effect of pain and suffering that can come from laws such as this because they are 1. all men making these laws on women’s bodies and 2. are not considering the futures of these children they are trying to “protect” by forcing mothers to have children that they do not want. I feel like it is unfair for lawmakers to make laws on bodily functions that they do not go through since they are male. If they had women on the boards hearing these laws out then I feel like the outcome will be somewhat different since they know exactly how it is like having a child and all of the requirements that come with it. I would also agree to say that this bounty puts a target on women that will only hurt them in the end.

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