So what’s with the Shadow Pandemic?

As lock-down mandates began to take effect across the globe due to the COVID-19 pandemic another pandemic followed. The Shadow Pandemic refers to the increased reports of domestic abuses cases against women and children after the COVID-19 took the world by storm. The UN Women created the Shadow Pandemic Campaign on May 27th 2020 during a press release to bring awareness to the increase in violence against women and children during the pandemic.

Although domestic violence is nothing new, the new living situations for millions of women across the globe has left them in harms way!Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, The executive director of UN Women made this statement during the press release.

“Even before the pandemic, violence against women was one of the most widespread violations of human rights. Since lock-down restrictions, domestic violence has multiplied, spreading across the world in a shadow pandemic. This is a critical time for action, from prioritizing essential services like shelter and support for women survivors, to providing the economic support and stimulus packages needed for broader recovery.”

COVID-19 has changed many of our lives in different ways, but there has not been enough attention given towards women and children stuck in these dangerous situations. Children were not in school, seeing teachers and administrators on a regular basis, so there was no one to check on them. As for women, many people lost their jobs and were no longer able to be independent.

My heart breaks knowing the Shadow Pandemic has taken such a toll on so many people. It is important that we create solutions for survivors on domestic abuse. Do you think this problem has been long overlooked? Does the Shadow Pandemic end here?

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1 thought on “So what’s with the Shadow Pandemic?”

  1. Hi Daniella,

    I like how you highlighted an event that not a lot of people realize is even happening in our country. Because we are so focused on protecting ourselves from COVID, there have been many regulations that have made us stay home more than usual to prevent unnecessary contact with others. By doing so, this leaves a lot of women in unsafe conditions to feel the wrath of their abuser on a level that might not have been seen before. Because some these women do not have the excuse of going to work or school daily to escape their abuser at least for some hours of the day, these restrictions have made it so more hours are being spent at home. Since COVID has wrecked havoc on our economy, this could have made some women face not only a job loss but educational loss because they cannot afford to go to school anymore, leaving them completely bare in their home because of their situation.

    Not to say these restrictions have been bad per say since they have been keeping us safe but it also leaves an already vulnerable population being put into more dangerous situations. I like how this is called a “shadow pandemic” because if we are being honest, these lockdowns have mostly made us think about our own living situations and not others. We might think being able to stay home is a blessing but not completely see that staying home longer can put people into dangerous situations because of their abuse. Sadly, because of the complexities of situations and some women not being able to escape their situations for multiple reasons, it will be harder to reach such communities and address this properly. But, I feel like with more media exposure on the issue I feel like it can prepare us to address this issue properly.

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