The Fight for Women’s Rights!

This article discusses how many women in Afghanistan are unsure of their future now that the U.S military has left, and the Taliban is back in power. There have been many protests since the United States has left Afghanistan concerning women’s rights. When the Taliban was in control many years ago, they were under Islamic rule which meant women were not even allowed to be seen in public. Women are now facing uncertainty when it comes to their rights such as working, their education as well as their freedom. The Taliban states that they will still be under Islamic rule, but they have not yet discussed deeply what that means for women that live in Afghanistan. In this article the Taliban states that women will still be able to work and go to school, but for how long is the question. Will Afghanistan go back to the days where women were oppressed by their male counterparts? These women have fought so hard for their freedom and the many rights that they have now. This is not just a war on women in Afghanistan, but for every woman in the world.

Afghan women demand rights as Taliban seek recognition (

1 thought on “The Fight for Women’s Rights!”

  1. Now that the Taliban has taken over the last city standing in Afghanistan hope seems to be lost. Kabul was the last city that was taken over. This city was one of the most protected, now that it is captured there is not telling what they will do. The Taliban is smart, they are trying to allow women to have some of their rights back so that there will not be any rising difficulties for them in the future. By getting the majority on their side (like the women in rural parts of Afghanistan that do not want the United States to be involved any more) they will be able to eliminate their biggest threat.

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