Abortion in Texas

Recently, it has been trending news about what has been becoming of the new abortion laws in Texas. The Supreme Court set forth a new law that now bans women from being able to carry out an abortion after the sixth week into pregnancy. The decision was made with a 5-4 vote from Trump appointed justices. To put it into perspective,  most women do not realize that they are pregnant  at least a couple weeks after the concieve, and that is considered early typically. When creating laws, I truly believe the interest of those laws should be in the benefit of those most affected by them. With that being said, I consider abortion laws, women laws, and also women’s rights. Many women are disappointed about what came about in Texas, and women not affected by this personally due to not living here, are still very much affected. Taking away a woman’s right to choose, or make choices about her body is a problem comparable to the ones women who live in Afghanistan fight everyday. To see laws like this become apart of our own democracy is simple a scary variation. Abortion disproportionately affects certain ages, races, ethnicity, and financial/societal statuses of people, and like many other laws, restricts and targets these minorities. It is somewhat comforting that president Biden and his administration aren’t completely backing Texas, and there justices. Biden called out the supreme court’s ruling by saying it “unleashes unconstitutional chaos.” Which I ultimately agree with. This ruling is unconstitutional and simply being handled, and orchestrated by people (men) I feel have no sentimental implication or objective grounds.

Article: https://www.npr.org/2021/09/02/1033048958/supreme-court-upholds-new-texas-abortion-law-for-now

Texas abortion ban has ′vast psychological consequences′ | Science |  In-depth reporting on science and technology | DW | 13.09.2021