Blog Entry 2 Soci 3000

Chosen article:

I found an interesting article about sexual assault and harassment on women, that is occurring extremely frequently in London. This article opened my eyes to a current crisis I did not previously know existed. In The United Kingdom, a woman is killed by a partner or ex-partner every three days. Three Fourths of the domestic abuse cases are closed without any charges on the male. This data was shocking to me because it clearly identifies an epidemic. In the United Kingdom, Sexual Assault and harassment on women did not become a big deal to society until the killing of Sarah Everard. Sarah Everard was thirty-three years old, and the last time she was ever seen was on March the third of this year. She was kidnapped and murdered by a police officer. After this event took place, people in the United Kingdom became angry and started speaking up. The focus of this article is on a United Kingdom watchdog. He has requested that it is imperative for police to treat this epidemic as seriously as terrorism. Overall, the murder of Sarah Everard has awakened the United Kingdom to the sexual assault being made on women.
This article made me question certain things. For instance, I find it odd that police dismissed that many domestic abuse cases. I then, found it even more odd that a police officer kidnapped and murdered a woman there. This makes me ask myself the question, “where these cases dismissed so frequently because many officers dismissing these cases have preformed in domestic acts of abuse themselves?”
The dismissal of so many domestic abuse cases shows that the police did not care about these matters, and their must be a reason. Reading this article makes me aware that sexual assault and harassment on women is a big issue everywhere. Not just a societal issue in America.