Manipulation and Custody Cases

Survivors of domestic abuse continue to battle their past long after the abuse has stopped.This was the case for many women who have walked into Judge Anonthey McGinty’s courtroom. McGinty is a family court judge in Upstate New York that has been accused of favoring abusive men in custody suits. Fancesca Amato is just one of the women who feel this way about Mr. McGinty. She is an author and family child advocate who experienced a life of abuse with her child’s father. The father has a long list of criminal charges including one felony and five misdemeanors. It has also been stated that McGinty ignored bruises on Amato’s son that were inflicted by his father.

This is not the only case were mothers have had their children taken away in custody cases with McGinty. There are three other women who are all separately fighting to gain back custody of their children after McGinty favored abuse fathers. As stated in the New York Post, “domestic violence advocates and family law experts said what appears to be playing out in this Ulster County Family courtroom is not that unusual. On a national scale, domestic violence survivors often find themselves on the losing end of high-conflict custody battles. In child custody cases involving domestic abuse, the alleged abuser often weaponizes the court system and uses the child as a pawn.”

It is hard enough for survivors of abuse to work through their own trauma and adding children into the equation makes it even harder. When I was reading about these stories my heart broke for the women and children who’s voices are not being heard. I also became enraged that our court system continues to fail these women and children. Judge McGinty is only one of many judges who may be mishandling these kinds of cases. Take a look at the article published in the New York Post to read more about specific stories of the survivors who have been in McGinty’s courtroom.

How do you think we can help women and children in these situations? Is the court doing their job? What more should be done to ensure children are not placed in households that are potentially dangerous? Is it a man thing, is it the age old tale that women are dramatic or not believed by men?

2 thoughts on “Manipulation and Custody Cases”

  1. Great job. It was very interesting to hear about a judge being biased especially when it comes to domestic abuse. This article points out another reason why women are scared to speak up from violence. Until the system changes , I believe domestic abuse on women will continue to be an issue.

  2. It is heartbreaking to read the stories of these women. These are some of the main reasons of women that have been abused to not leave their abusers. Many women are not believed when they tell their side of the story. It is baffling to me that the court systems are not doing their jobs to make sure that these women and children are safe. We must do better; their lives depend on it.

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