Missing Case of Gabby Petito

This mystery has been talked about nationally for the last week or so. I found this whole missing persons case extremely interesting, as well as so many others. Gabby Petito was a 22 year old girl who went on a cross country trip with her fiance, Brian Laundrie. By the end of August, she was missing.

Brian Laundrie then returns home back to Florida in the van they were traveling in but with no sight of gabby. Cases like these are not all that rare, this case just gained tons of traction from social media and news sources. Brian Laundries house received a search warrant and the FBI has found remains of a human body inside the home. They have not confirmed that the remains are Gabby’s but the chances are very likely.

Brian Laundrie is now the missing person as he is seemed to be hiding somewhere with the FBI and many other search parties after him.



4 thoughts on “Missing Case of Gabby Petito”

  1. This story captivated many people, including myself. There are so many women that are in abusive relationships that they cannot seem to get out of. These abusers threaten these women, they gaslight them, and make them feel as if they are the ones that are crazy. It happens all the time, and these men need to be held accountable for their actions. I have seen many posts stating that women need to leave at the first sign of abuse whether that be emotional or physical, but no one is saying that the men need to do better.

  2. I highly agree with the statement “men need to do better”. It is very similar to how rape culture is a thing. Instead of teaching women to “be more careful”, we need to endow men with the moral upbringing to not do it in the first place.

  3. The case really got my attention and was truly heartbreaking and you hear about these cases more often than you should. I’m sure there were signs of abuse and we need to recognize these signs sooner than later so we can help as much as we can.

  4. I have also been following this case, and it has been so heartbreaking to read. It’s crazy how often these type of cases happen. I can not imagine how her parents are feeling right now. I also agree that men need to do better.

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