Russian feminist runs for Duma to take on domestic violence.

In a society like today where domestic violence and sexual abuse is high, I wonder how things would be if more countries were to take similar steps to Russia and have more feminists in positions of power. Would society change greatly and cater more to women than men or would things balance out? I personally believe things in society would balance each other out because currently in congress, the country is being ran by older gentleman.

Depending on the country and their view of women, it may or may not be successful. The reason I believe it would help balance society out in America is because nowadays women are seen as equals among men whether it be in the workplace or when interacting with strangers in society. In the first line of the article I viewed stated that even though Alyona Popova was elected into parliament, there isn’t much hope for the future of domestic violence in Russia. The reason I believe things didn’t work out ideally in this situation is because of how Russian’s view current women’s rights. It’s becoming apparent that more and more younger women are running for political positions, so it’s only a matter of time before it becomes more normalized.

How different would things in society be handled if more women were put into positions of political / governmental power?