Sexual assaults in Fraternities today.

Today I am going to talk about how fraternities have taken sexual assaults’ lightly and are not receiving any punishments for their actions. Most people have heard of the protests that have been going on at the Theta Chi house at UMass. Students claim to have found a girl crying because she was roofied and sexually assaulted at theta’s party Saturday night. No one has come forward to give a name on the person that has committed this tragedy. Now people are signing petitions in order to shut that fraternity down. As of now, we’re waiting on more information to see if it will end up shutting down or not. How many times will this keep happening for them to actually learn it is not okay? I saw a video spiraling on social media, on how protestors were standing outside and recording some of the men in the theta house and most of the guys were laughing and mocking these other students. So of course some of them see no wrong to this. Hopefully these men, and other fraternities, get punished for their actions.

3 thoughts on “Sexual assaults in Fraternities today.”

  1. I actually didn’t know this happened. Poor girl. And the nerve of the boys at the frat for laughing. Colleges need to more with incidents like these.

  2. When I find the petition I will be signing it. There is no way that men can keep getting away with these sorts of things. The frat should be shut down whether they find the guy that did it or not. No frat that condones this kind of behavior should be left still standing.

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