The Shadow Pandemic

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I found a very interesting article about the affects that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on violence against women. The article refers to the spike in domestic violence against women as the “Shadow Pandemic”. It was noted that due to many of the shelter-in-place regulations amidst the spread of COVID-19, that the rise of domestic violence calls and reports have rapidly increased. The article also includes a sixty second video informing readers/listeners about the issue, and how to help those in these situations.

Famous celebrities such as Kate Winslet have taken a stance on the issue, and have moved to spread awareness about this issue because we may know someone in a situation like this and it is important for us to be aware and know how to help.

I think that when the pandemic started the world was scared and worried about issues such as missing work, losing a job, and becoming isolated from friends and loved ones, but for some, they feared for their lives. Some men and women take refuge in their time away from home because it is the only safe place they have. However, when the pandemic hit the men and women who were experiencing domestic violence in the home lost the only safety net they may have had. Most women were stuck in the home of their abusers with no help or support, and because of the increase in domestic violence reports, shelters that were meant to help domestic violence victims filled up, leaving absolutely no where for them to go.

I felt like this article needed to be shared because we have all adapted to living in this new world of COVID-19 for the past year and a half, and this is the first time I have heard about the connection between the pandemic and the rise in domestic violence cases.

2 thoughts on “The Shadow Pandemic”

  1. Thank you for sharing. This is also the first I have heard about a relationship between the pandemic and domestic violence. I think it is very important to note the fact that for some victims, ‘home’ is the LEAST safe space. I cannot imagine how terrifying that must be.

  2. Great post. Relating the Covid 19 pandemic to the ongoing epidemic of sexual assault and harassment on women was something I never thought about. However given the circumstances of covid 19 , it must make life even more hard on women dealing with domestic abuse. This article was a great way to keep peoples eyes open about whats not being talked about in the news.

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