Russian Authorities Check Allegations of Prison Torture and Rape

Russian authorities look into video footage leaked on In the video there were four men. A prisoner and 3 officials and someone recording. With such graphic video/ images prisoners were raped on video recording. Five Russian prison officials were fired and authorities opened many criminal investigations into alleged torture and sexual assaults at a jail in the Saratov region. is a prisoner rights group. Vladimir Osechkin founder of the site said that the abuses were taken place in different parts of the country. Is prison torture and rape normalized among institutions?

Russian law says inmates must not be treated in a way that is “harsh” or “abuses man dignity”. If a prison official abuses his position, he cuan be jailed for up to a decade. With this information recently making it to the public it does not shock me to see those of authority abusing their power. The stereotype was inmate vs inmate are these uncovering truths of inmate vs official?

Link to video:


2 thoughts on “Russian Authorities Check Allegations of Prison Torture and Rape”

  1. I am also not surprised that the authority is abusing their power. They think since they are an official, they are so above everyone else and can do whatever they want to do. It’s very sad to me. I hope that they get what they deserve.

  2. Several of you are posting about abuse in prisons this week. So much of this is covered up. Even though rape by inmates of other inmates is more well-known, how are the caretakers taking advantage of their positions? It would be interesting to compare this with treatment in Soviet prisons…. and whether it is a continuation of that pattern.

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