SOCI 3000 (10/11/2021)

An article that caught my attention was “Army launches fusion directorate pilot designed to improve services for sexual assault victims: Six installations and the Army Reserve will participate in the year-long pilot” (

In this article it covers the planned redesigning of the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program (SHARP). This program prevents sexual harassment and assaults by providing an environment that respects individuals that are victim to sexual harassment/assault by: reducing the stigma of reporting, protecting the victim, increase prevention, investigation, prosecution, and victim care capabilities, increase training and resources, and refine and sustain response capability. Seeing that this program covers a variety of sectors in protecting sexual assault victims, the pilot fusion directorate aiming to redesign this program aims to offer additional reporting mediums and to increase accountability, transparency, and efficiency. The article states that the Army will implement these strategies by putting emphasis on the fact that there will be coordinated care providers, investigators, and criminal prosecutors working with victims that operate outside of a victim’s immediate chain of command. The Army is also making sure that a Soldier’s report of sexual assault/harassment is met with in a timely and effective response. The reason they are making sure advocates and workers are not affiliated with the victim’s command is to promote more accessibility and being able to put more effort in helping additional victims who need support through the process of going through sexual assault. To me I also think that they might be getting outside workers for these victims is to prevent bias and potential coverups of sexual assault that is happening within the command of the victim. By being able to have that outside perspective is what I think will help these victims the most because there are people wanting to help these people willingly and not because they have to because of the order of their officer or other higher up person. The finalization of the redesigning of this program should be some time in October 2021. This redesign will also be strived to be in effect in all branches of the military, but some areas will face special conditions, including the Army National Guard since the National Guard is a diverse mission spread across the states who have multiple types of duty statuses for their branch. But, this revision is being planned to be implemented in this branch and others who are spread thin and unique in the way they run their operations, so all victims in every branch can be met with effective care and protection.

I think this is a great initiative to provide more effective services and protections for victims of sexual assault/harassment in the military. To see how a lot of cases of sexual assault are dismissed, covered up, or prolonged in the military because of poor management and bias, it is refreshing to see that the talks of sexual assault have influenced members of the military to revise laws and programs that work harder to protect and fight for the rights of victims. But, I think there needs to be more mindset changes in the military to promote the prevention of the sexual assault in the military. I say this because if you just improve the system of victim advocacy and support, you are not changing the minds of soldier’s who think they can use their power to take advantage of others to serve them sexually.


2 thoughts on “SOCI 3000 (10/11/2021)”

  1. This article was very interesting to read. We don’t talk enough about the sexual abuse that occur within the Military. Often abusers are people in positions of power which makes it harder for women/men to come forward or for anyone to believe them when they come forward. I like how you point out it is important to hold the soldiers who think it is okay to abuse their power accountable and that their mindset need to change.

  2. Interesting article! It is good to see that there are efforts being done to stop sexual abuse and also destigmatize it. I think you made a great point that there needs to be more done in the military to help prevent sexual abuse on the solders behalf. We need to start helping stop the problem before it happens instead of just preparing for the after effects of abuse. Great blog.

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