A Safe Space on the Auraria Campus (Blog 4)

October is the National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This month is a time to spread awareness about domestic violence, support survivors, and also advocate for policy change. According to the Denver National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in four women and one in nine men experience severe physical violence and/or stalking.

While domestic violence isn’t obvious by having a black eye or visible bruises it still happens within all communities. This is why thus month is so critical in offering support and help educate the community and educate about healthy relationships and warning signs. Megan Cullen, director of the Phoenix Center at Auraria, which provides free and confidential resources and assistance to Auraria Campus students, faculty, and staff who are survivors of interpersonal violence.

Cullen and her team covered the campuses plaza with 12,000 flags and signs to pay tribute to victims of domestic violence. To help put this into perspective there are 43,000 members of the Auraria campus community. Which means 15,000 have or will experience some from of interpersonal violence. Those red flags represent every potential survivor on their campus.


National Domestic Violence Hotline

24/7 Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (7233)

