Former Liberty U official claims he was fired for raising concerns about sexual assault cases

This article details former Liberty U official Scott Lamb’s claims that he was fired after reporting the mishandling of cases under Title IX. If these claims are true, which they likely are, it is highly disappointing and a slap in the face to sexual assault survivors. Often people who are sexually assaulted on campus feel alone and don’t receive the help they need to process their trauma or go forward in getting justice against the attacker. The fact that someone looking out for these people is possibly being punished for it is heartbreaking. This is yet again something that will deter survivors from telling their stories and perpetrators will continue to walk campus grounds with absolutely no consequences. Twelve women who filed a lawsuit against Liberty U over mishandled sexual assaults allege that Liberty “intentionally created a campus environment where sexual assaults and rapes are foreseeably more likely to occur than they would in the absence of Liberty’s policies.” Without serious consequences for violence against women, the severity and frequency of sexual assaults will continue to grow. A college campus, just like anywhere else, should be a place where women feel safe and comfortable. No one should always have to look over their shoulder in fear of an attack. And those who have been assaulted should not have to live in fear of coming into contact with their attacker on campus grounds.