Male Sexual Violence Statistics

In class today, we talked about how sexual violence against men in war and it made me want to do more digging sexual violence against men in general. Here are some statistics as of Jan 2021.

  • Approximately 16% of males in juvenile prison have been sexually abused
  • In Florida alone, a staggering total of 1,477,000 men have been a victim of sexual assault in the last decade
  • Over 25% of male sexual assault victims will experience their first assault before the age 10
  • New York statistics show that 18% of all rapes in city involve a male victim

We, as a society, don’t talk about male sexual violence very often and these statistics show that it happens more often then we think. I really like how we are learning about it in this class and I think that society really needs to do better and get rid of the stigma around male sexual violence.

3 thoughts on “Male Sexual Violence Statistics”

  1. Seeing these statistics sheds more light on how often this happens and how big of a problem it actually is. Sexual assault against men is definitely less talked about but is still a big issue that needs to be talked about more.

  2. Wow, I am very shocked to see these numbers. It really makes me think about how many males I know that may have suffered from some type of sexual trauma in their own life. I think it’s great that we are learning about this subject and those of us who are taking this course hopefully take the time to share our knowledge with friends and family regarding many of the matters we have discussed in class this semester. We are gaining the power and knowledge to raise awareness amongst our social circles. Thank you for these statistics!

  3. Looking through the statistics of men being sexually assaulted is heartbreaking. I also think it’s important to bring awareness of these men that are being abused because I feel like we don’t focus on that much now and days.

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