Why do we never hear of men and being sexually assaulted?

Now it’s common to always talk about sexual assault in females. Which it is an important and heartbreaking topic since they have it worse; but men also get sexually abused. In an article I found it states, “As of 1998, 2.78 million men in the U.S. had been victims of attempted or completed rape.” Some men have to deal with living with their abuser as well, and most go unreported. I feel as if we should have more safe houses for men, so they can have a safe place to go if they are trying to get away from their abuser. These cases are often brushed off and forgotten because it’s more common for a women to be abused.

3 thoughts on “Why do we never hear of men and being sexually assaulted?”

  1. This is an interesting topic because men are not usually seen as victims but instead as the abusers. An article I read stated that one in seven men are victims of severe physical violence cause by their partners. In many cases men may reach out to domestic violence shelters but be refused shelter on the basis of their gender. Many of these shelters only serve women. I have not heard of any, but we are very much in need of shelters for men only. It is best that both men and women be separated to ensure that they are both comfortable with the people they are surrounded with.

  2. I’m glad I came across this post! This is something that isn’t talked about enough. I think people often forget that men can be raped and sexually abused as well. And I also believe that often when male sexual abuse is addressed, most people think of men being violated by women. However, there are men who have been violated by other men as well. I don’t think I would say women have it worse. I think anyone who has to live through that terrible experience has it pretty hard. Going off of what you said, there most definitely should be more safe houses for men. There should also be more shelters for men as well!

  3. And it is possible that this doesn’t get reported because of the “feminization” possibly caused by being victimized, similar to what we discussed regarding violence against men in war zones. Thank you for posting this.

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