Op-Ed: Battered Women Syndrome A White Woman’s Plea?

Thousands of women across the globe are stuck in long-term domestic abuse situations that they cannot escape. Some of these women try to defend themselves against their abuse partners or just end up snapping leading to potentially fatal injuries of the abusers. This was the case for Nateonna Roland, a black woman in Buffalo, New … Read more

The UK’s New Plan to Protect Women

Violence against women is nothing new, and happens all across the globe. Sarah Everard is a young woman who lost her life due to this violence. Her murder has led to the public lack of trust in law enforcement. The government has come up with a new strategy to help protect women, but their plan … Read more

Manipulation and Custody Cases

Survivors of domestic abuse continue to battle their past long after the abuse has stopped.This was the case for many women who have walked into Judge Anonthey McGinty’s courtroom. McGinty is a family court judge in Upstate New York that has been accused of favoring abusive men in custody suits. Fancesca Amato is just one … Read more

So what’s with the Shadow Pandemic?

As lock-down mandates began to take effect across the globe due to the COVID-19 pandemic another pandemic followed. The Shadow Pandemic refers to the increased reports of domestic abuses cases against women and children after the COVID-19 took the world by storm. The UN Women created the Shadow Pandemic Campaign on May 27th 2020 during … Read more