Op-Ed Models Share Stories of Sexual Assault in The Fashion Industry

Everyday we see commercials, ads, videos, pictures, magazines, and many more things about the fashion industry. However, how many models are actually experiencing sexual assault off camera? Harper’s Bazaar gives us the inside scoop as to what the models have to say on things they’ve personally experienced. The article’s first sentence is “In the Fashion, … Read more

Project to Bring Healing from Sexual Assault Behind Bars

This article titled “Project to Bring Healing from Sexual Assault Behind Bars” celebrates the four year anniversary of the #MeTooMovement. A group called Just Detention International, created a “Prisoners Too” program last year with incarcerated people in South Carolina. The women created butterfly murals to talk about their sexual assault traumas. The Just Detention group … Read more

Gender-based Violence amid COVID-19 in Bangladesh

Sexual violence against women is continuing to rise during the pandemic all around the world. According to the World Health Organization, sexual violence is defined as “any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act or other act directed against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, … Read more