Disney is Getting Sued

A judge has allowed for 9000 women to sue Disney for pay disparity. The plaintiffs say that Disney did not uphold California’s Equal Pay Act and discriminated against women. “Disney says that you can’t compare jobs over multiple sectors because it depends on the manager” (Maddus). This can be seen as a cop-out because the … Read more

OP-ED A Critical Look at Intimate Partner Violence

While the paper talked about what exact gender-based violence is, this op-ed is going to talk about my options in detail in this paper. The first thing that needs to happen is that it needs to be talked about more. And it needs to be talked about in layman’s terms to younger audiences. I think … Read more

New Policy for Gender-Based Crimes

There is a new policy in the ICC for gender-based crimes. This is supposed to help victims who didn’t have any way of prosecuting these people before. The new policy was implemented on December 4 of this year. It was presented at a yearly meeting at the International Criminal Court of Assembly States. “This policy … Read more

Gender Budgeting in Ecuador

A researcher did a gender budgeting study in Ecuador. He did this in Ecuador to see how gender budgeting has been working there. The article talks about how gender budgeting has been spread exponentially, especially in Latin America. In Latin America, it has been 18 countries that have implemented some gender budgeting in their country. … Read more

UK Court Blocked Transgender Bill

This article talks about how judges in the UK government are allowed to block Scotland or gender ID reforms. “In Scotland, the government let people legally change their recognized sex last year.” (Sim) But the UK government says it would impact equality. The people who voted against the Scottish bill say it will harm the … Read more

Exploring Intersections of Age, Gender, Immigration, Ethnicity, and Widowhood among Older Chinese Immigrants in Canada

The article looks at how the intersectionality of race, gender, immigration, ethnicity, and womanhood affects older Chinese immigrant women in Canada. It takes the intersectionality framework to look at the gaps when it comes to their variable. “Influences of age, gender, immigrant status, and ethnicity” (Wang et.). Twelve in-depth interviews were used for this study. … Read more

Feminist Demand a Ceasefire in Israel–Palestine

The article started talking about how feminists of both Palestine and Israel came together. The reason why they called for this meeting was a call for peace. They first meet at the wall of the west bank and West Jerusalem. Their protest took them to the Dead Sea. This protest involved diplomats and public figures. … Read more

OP-Ed Improve the Kafala System

The Kafala system needs to be improved. Many aspects of this system need to be updated for the well-being of the immigrants. One side is how the migrant workers are treated. First is how the employers get away with things against human rights. Also, some of the Philippines’ economy has depended on this system, leading … Read more

Gender Rights Activist Being Locked Up

This article gives insight into two activists on trial in China. Their names are Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing. They are on trial for inciting or subversion of state power. Huang is an activist who is known for her work in the #MeToo movement in China. She came to prominence because she created a platform … Read more