Jobs where women earn less and more than men

The Glass Door study just examine the specific occupations where women earn less than men and the few where they earn more. So, for example, women who are computer scientists with the same level of experience, earn 72 cents for every dollar by men. The catch is that the occupations where women earn more than … Read more

Education for Child Brides

A recent UN report documents the importance of a new program called Safe Space which targets women who have been married off at a young age. It recruits them to learn new skills and eventually return to pursue an education. I thought this was a timely story considering the She’s the First event on March … Read more

RTI International to host conference on ending gender inequalities

February 24, 2016 Highlights RTI International will host a conference to generate actionable solutions for ending gender inequalities April 12-13 at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina The conference will highlight successful evidence-based gender research and practice, strategize solutions, and broaden intervention implementation in usual care settings domestically and internationally download image

ECU International Day of the Woman, March 3, 2016, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Register now!

International Women’s Day Event This is a Passport Premiere Event!! East Carolina University students, faculty, staff, local invited guests, and partners from our global community join together to celebrate International Women’s Month throughout a day of women-focused discussions. Thursday, March 3, 2016 Mendenhall Great Rooms Please register for sessions you plan to attend or for … Read more

HPV Vaccine Proves More Effective than Expected in US

The vaccine against human papillomavirus infections is more effective than expected, but only a third of U.S. girls age 13-17 are vaccinated, officials say. The study, published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, found since the vaccine was introduced in 2006, vaccine-type HPV prevalence decreased 56 percent among females ages 14-19. The Centers for Disease … Read more

Boycott Botswana Tourism

We have been reading and studying about the !Kung San people. There is a serious situation in in Botswana and Cultural Survival is calling for people to sign and circulate a petition. The Khoisan peoples are being denied basic rights and pushed off of lands dedicated to tourism. Check out the following link to become … Read more

Interested in working to help women in Ghana this summer?

Saha Global (formerly known as Community Water Solutions) empowers women in rural communities to solve their village’s need for clean water and electricity by providing business opportunities. How do we do it? We bring leaders from around the world to Ghana through our Global Leadership Program where they train local women to launch profitable social … Read more

Women and Zika Virus

Why are governments telling women in Central America not to get pregnant when there are few health facilities available and women have  limited access to contraception and/or abortion? Wouldn’t it make more sense for governments like the one in El Salvador to do a campaign for men, telling them to use condoms and not get … Read more