Climate Change Impacts Women World-wide

We hear so much about climate change and debates over causes. But we don’t think as much about the likely social changes climate change will cause across the world. This article from BBC highlights the impacts coming for women, especially in the developing world. As we mark the International Day of the Woman, this is … Read more

Changes In Hair

I saw this post while scrolling through Facebook and it made me think about the times that I’ve done anything significant to my hair and also how much truth there was to this picture. I started to look at person blog post about females cutting their hairs or doing anything drastic to their hair like … Read more   Here is some important research on women in peace negotiations. Do these numbers surprise you? This is the first I have read a news report of women’s leadership in peace in Syria. The unanswered question is how can that be scaled up to the level of international peace negotiations. And why has … Read more

Undocumented Immigrants and Mental Health

This is a powerful story of how the experience of being undocumented can affect one’s mental health. So many discussions about the Florida shooting are about mental health as a causal factor. But what about mental health as the result of unjust social policies, over-policing, and broken laws? “What Happened to Norma’s Brain?”

Can a man hit back?

  In 2014, talk show hosts of The View give their thoughts on Ray Rice hitting his fiancee. Many of the hosts believed that Mr. Rice had no right to hit his fiancee even if she had hit him first. One of the hosts made a comment along the lines of, ” A woman should … Read more

Are single mothers responsible for American poverty? It is refreshing to see sociologists authoring op-eds on these issues. Check this out as an important way to study a stereotype that continues to blame women for poverty. And how to write about it for a broader audience. Will policy makers listen?

From Being Humiliated to Celebrated

I grew up in a cult. It was heaven — and hell. | Lilia Tarawa | TEDxChristchurch I tend to browse YouTube a lot and the other day I came across this TED talk. Automatically “I grew up in a cult. It was heaven – and hell,” caught my attention, as it would most people. … Read more