Op Ed: Sex Sells

                                                      By Aryana Tillman             Think back to your teenage years when your only worry was about how much your new prom dress or new car would cost. The prices you worried about as a teenager seemed like such dire issues, but what if you were more worried about how much you would go for … Read more

Op Ed: Ending Female Genital Mutilation

                                                       By Jessica Knox Puberty can be a very confusing time for a young women. Her body is changing and her emotions fluctuate by the minute.. On top of all of this, imagine being told you are about to get a procedure done. Your parents are telling you that you must be circumcised and your … Read more

OP ED: What’s done in the Dark must come into the Light

                                               By Jared Logan Domestic violence is a pervasive, global problem, extending across national, racial, cultural, and economic boundaries. When an individual is involved in domestic violence, you most likely notice the physical signs first such as bruising but domestic violence can be sexual, emotional, and even psychological. A large number of domestic disputes occur … Read more

Op Ed: Preventing Maternal Mortality

                                                                By Margaret Blythe The moment the American woman discovers she is carrying a child is so special, cherished, and precious. The American woman may experience joy, excitement and anticipation knowing that she can count on having high quality medical care and a safe birth. While at the same time the woman in Mali , … Read more

Islam versus Sharia Law- Which Is Inherently Sexist?

                                                           By Hayley Huff Western images of Muslim women in the Middle East usually include veiled women closely guarded by men or hidden away from public view, and .Islam, as a religion that oppresses women, is thought to be the cause. In reality, however, only a small portion of Islamic fundamentalists treat women in these … Read more

Op Ed: Who is Responsible for the Death of these Babies?

                                      By Alexandria Lloyd When you think of large numbers of deaths, do you picture young children and infants? Probably not. Well for some that is not a luxury they can afford. An infant left for dead in the Alto do Cruzerio in Brazil is not a distant idea. When a mother has a child … Read more

Op Ed: Ending Sexual Trafficking

                                                 By: Julia Treadway Imagine being ten years old and having your parents tell you to go pick up something from the neighbors down the street. Imagine walking there with no shoes feet hitting the hot pavement, preparing yourself to beg for food. Then imagine walking up to the small store and being taken to … Read more