Weekly post #4: Framing and the Pro-Choice Movement

In class, we had a brief discussion about framing and its importance in social movements. I thought it would be important and helpful to expand on this conversation, given the re-framing that the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) Pro-Choice America has recently gone under. There are two concepts to define before getting into the … Read more

Weekly post #3: Unfreedom in Afghanistan

In class, we read about the increased state of surveillance under Ben Ali in Tunisia, discussing how increased surveillance impacts individual freedom and could possibly be categorized as unfreedom (re: Parrenas’ Unfree). In this blog post, I’ll discuss the Taliban’s implementation of surveillance across Afghanistan. In 2021, the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan, ending a twenty-year … Read more

Weekly post #2: Economic Policy Institute’s Chartbook on Domestic Workers in the U.S.

Throughout reading Parrenas’ Unfree, it can be easy to “other” the domestic workers in the book, throwing cultural relativism to the side and using neoliberal ideals to make it a “them” problem. In reality, implementation of labor standards that provide a safe and stable work environment when it comes to job opportunities, pay, work hours, … Read more

Weekly post #1: Nepalese Domestic Workers: How Should Governments Respond to Exploitation/Abuse of Workers and Regulate Labor Standards?

In 2007, Nepal and UAE signed their first labor agreement. In 2017, a ban was imposed on Nepali domestic workers — who are mostly comprised of women. This ban was imposed to regulate labor standards and environments for domestic workers. However, this ban ended up creating a large economic barrier for domestic workers, leading many … Read more