Sexual Assault Within The Military

Sexual assault within the military is far too common than what we would wish to believe. For 1,000s of people this is a reality. There have been many sexual assault complaints filed within each branch of the military, but for some their voices are not being heard. This is an ongoing problem that many survivors … Read more

Who can you trust?

Many of us have been taught to trust law enforcement, that we are safe with them, but for some that has not always been the case. In 2017 18-year-old Anna Chambers was arrested for marijuana possession and was then raped by the two arresting police officers in the back of their unmarked car and was … Read more

The Abortion Ban

Many have heard the news about the abortion ban happening in Texas. What does this mean for women? Texas law makers passed a law that bans abortion starting at six weeks, when they believe there is cardiac activity. There are many objections to this new law, and some say that the new law is unconstitutional. … Read more

The Fight for Women’s Rights!

This article discusses how many women in Afghanistan are unsure of their future now that the U.S military has left, and the Taliban is back in power. There have been many protests since the United States has left Afghanistan concerning women’s rights. When the Taliban was in control many years ago, they were under Islamic … Read more