Incarcerated Women of Battered Women’s Syndrome

Battered Women’s Syndrome is a psychological condition that can develop when a person experiences abuse, it is also a legal defense used in courtrooms. This specific legal defense doesn’t work for just anyone. Battered Women’s Syndrome has only ruled in favor of white women. Black women who kill their abusers are typically served for a … Read more

Russian Authorities Check Allegations of Prison Torture and Rape

Russian authorities look into video footage leaked on In the video there were four men. A prisoner and 3 officials and someone recording. With such graphic video/ images prisoners were raped on video recording. Five Russian prison officials were fired and authorities opened many criminal investigations into alleged torture and sexual assaults at a … Read more

Colorado Sex Offender Law Backlash

30 years ago Wayne Bethurum was in his late 40s when he groomed an underage family member and entered into what he thought of as a relationship. He says he now understands after completing his prison sentence for sexual assault. Since then he has not reoffended and has been involved in his community. After receiving … Read more


                                        Texas brings protection for employee sexual harassment. On September 1st Governor Abbot signed the Senate Bill 45 and House Bill. 21 which expanded sexual harassment protection for employees in Texas. Under Senate Bill 45 every employer may be held liable for sexual harassment claims under the Texas Labor Code. This new law considers … Read more