Following the #MeToo movement

Time Magazine Person of the Year: “The Silence Breakers” I will start the semester off with this developing story, that will likely follow us through the semester. I want to call our attention to some interesting sociological questions: –Why now? –Why such a rapid fall from grace (job/career loss, even company bankruptcy) immediately after the … Read more


Dear Students: It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with you this semester in the classroom and with our blog. You have so many gifts to bring to the world. Please never doubt that you can make a difference. I look forward to seeing what each of accomplishes in the future. I … Read more

Jennifer Lawrence comments on Hollywood wage gap

Thomas Hennessey According to an article released by NPR states that Jennifer Lawrence is facing both praise and criticism after making comment about the gender wage gap.  Jennifer Lawrence recently commented on the fact that she received significantly less pay compared to her male co-stars on the set of American Hustle, she said that … Read more

Stop Yelling at Women Musicians

Thomas Hennessey Lauren Mayberry of Chvrches has been very outspoken about the existence of misogyny in music.  In this particular article Luke O’Neil chronicles an incident Mayberry had with a male concert goer, who yells “Marry me” during the band’s set.  Mayberry proceeds to politely embarrass the man before continuing to another song.  This … Read more

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Thomas Hennessey I am going to both apologize and warn you in advance that this post is not a news article exactly. As some of you may know October is Domestic Violence awareness month in the United States. This awareness month came from a day of solidarity in the early 1980’s, in 1989 … Read more

The “He for She” Initiative

Elizabeth Nyamayaro is a political scientist dedicated to improving conditions for women around the world. Currently, she is the Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary-General and Executive Director for UN Women. Additionally, she is the head of the UN Women’s HeForShe campaign. In this TED talk, Ms. Nyamayaro talks about her childhood experiences growing up … Read more

Jimmy Carter speaks about the mistreatment of women being a human rights issue

Former US President, Jimmy Carter has long been an advocate and proactive in the equal treatment of women around the world. In this recent TED talk, he provides three main reasons for why he believes “the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights issue.” The reasons he cites are: 1) the misinterpretation of scriptures … Read more

The Oppressed Majority

Whenever I bring up feminism with a friend or acquaintance and label it as such the tension in the air often becomes palpable.  From my experience, most people will agree with you when you say that all humans deserve equal rights, but the moment that you label it feminism there is a hesitance.  People rebuke … Read more